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ClassNK developed the guidelines which establish requirements related to the equipment and basic items that are generally required for the operation of these ROV/AUV, as well as precautions and safety measures, based on the knowledge obtained through demonstration experiments with experts and companies making advanced efforts.In recent years their utilization as a means for maintaining offshore wind power generation facilities and pipelines has been steadily increasing.
Forum Energy Technologies have bagged a contract to supply specialist subsea equipment for a cable maintenance project in South East Asia. The Equipment purposes to support telecommunication contracts between South East Asia and the Indian Ocean. Under the project, the Forum will be manufacturing and then installing the vehicle on the client's vessel by early 2021. Additional to this Forum will also be providing some operational and maintenance training to the client's personnel.
Norwegian firm DOF Subsea has secured two new contracts in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region. The company has received an IMR services contract from Chevron Australia to support its North-West Shelf and nearshore subsea assets in Australia. DOF Subsea will provide Chevron with DP vessels, remotely operated underwater vehicles (ROVs), autonomous underwater vehicle (AUVs), and intervention, inspection, management and engineering services.
Norwegian oil major, Equinor has awarded its subsea inspection, maintenance and repair (IMR) services contract to Dutch subsea services provider DeepOcean. The contract terms require Deepocean to carry out subsea remotely operated vehicle (ROV) operations that include IMR activities on Equinor’s assets on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS) including associated project management and engineering services. Deepocean will deploy its subsea vessel Normand Ocean on the project.
Halfwave, a pipeline inspection company has won four contracts for subsea inspection in the first half of 2019. The company's ROV mounted ARTEMIS tool is gaining popularity and is being deployed across major oilfield projects globally. "These major contracts show Acoustic Resonance Technology is fast becoming the preferred technology for pipeline inspection", said Halfwave's CEO.
Leading provider of technically advanced subsea solutions, tools and systems, Ashtead Technology has announced the acquisition of Aqua-Tech Solutions. Louisiana-based Aqua-Tech provides subsea equipment rental and cutting services. The acquisition is in line with Ashtead’s growth plans in the U.S. With the acquisition, Ashtead Technology has significantly strengthened its ROV and mechanical tooling portfolio.
DOF Subsea has awarded a contract to Forum Subsea Technologies according to which it will supply three of its Ultra Compact Perry XLX-C work-class ROV. The contract is for the recently awarded contract to DOF in Brazil. Perry is powered by 150HP main and auxiliary hydraulic system giving it incomparable thrust. Forum's VP said, “In total, DOF Subsea has more than 60 of Forum’s ROVs in their global fleet."
Aberdeen-based ROVOP acquired M2 Subsea’s entire fleet of 28 ROV systems. The fleet acquisition is in line with ROVOP’s growth strategy to offer a focused ROV service to its customers regardless of markets and geographies. While 19 of the ROV systems qualifies the ROVOP standard and will be added to its fleet, the remaining ROVs will be either decommissioned or sold.
UK-based subsea service provider, Bibby Offshore updated about the delivery of project for an unnamed independent oil and gas development and production company. The scope of the contract included inspection repair and maintenance (IRM) services and supporting riser connection across three North Sea assets. Bibby employed offshore multi-role diving and ROV support vessel, Bibby Sapphire.